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Class reunions provide great opportunities for old friends to become reacquainted and new friendships to be born. They allow classmates the chance to reminiscence on those golden moments from their youth. Whether it's the first gathering at your five year class reunion, or if it's your twenty-five year class reunion, we'll provide the right mix of music your generation has come to love. We'll play the music at an appropriate sound level so dancing is encouraged, yet doesn't interfere with classmate's conversations.

If your classmates are more active and want to participate in dancing, games and contests, we'll be glad to help facilitate the energy and excitement. If your classmates are more content to sit back, listen to music and reminisce with old friends, and not dance or participate as much, that's fine too. Our disc jockey is trained to read the crowd so we can provide you with the show that's right for your group.


Over the years, we have provided disc jockey entertainment for all kinds events, including class reunions. 

Planning a reunion is an involved task. It takes a great deal of time to locate all of your old classmates who have scattered across the globe. Once everyone is assembled though, the hard work pays off. It is fun to reminisce about the old days and catch-up with one another. We have assembled the following tips to help in the planning of your class reunion.

We are a professional, experienced, reliable and energetic DJ

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